Wednesday, January 9, 2013

In with the new, and out with the old

The worst clichè ever, but I promise my headline writing will get better as I get back into the swing of things.

I have decided that the one and only resolution I should make this year, is to be who I say I am. I say I'm a writer and yet, I don't do enough writing to claim such a status. My last blog post was over a year ago. So, I need to turn my talent into a habit again. I've italicised 'talent', because it is my view and I think I can write reasonably well on a good day.
But down to the real business as to why I'm blogging again. I'm unemployed and just like David Bullard, I'm going to sit at home and bombard the Internet with my opinions. And, I need to treat this space as a possible hiring point.
In this day and age, an online audience is a valuable commodity for journalists. My current Twitter following is 254, which is not too shabby for someone who is unemployed. I just have to hope that they aren't bots, otherwise that would be embarrassing. My online following, however, has to increase to make me a more viable candidate for hire.
So I am here to write, to be who I say I am. And, most importantly, to welcome you to the new Underground and Off the Record blog.

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